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In simple terms, the essence of conspiracy is agreement. When two or more individuals agree to carry their criminal scheme into effect, the plot is the criminal act itself. Even informal discussions, mutual understandings or implied agreements can be enough for a conspiracy charge, even if the crime itself is never carried out. If convicted, you are likely to face a lengthy prison sentence. The gravity of conspiracy charges will have a huge impact on your life, freedom and future. This is why you need a high-quality legal defence in place from the moment you become aware that the police are interested in you.
The seasoned team at Tyler Hoffman Solicitors has plenty of experience in providing strategic legal representation aimed at minimising charges and penalties. In some cases, depending on the quality of the evidence and how the investigation has been handled, our clients have seen charges dropped before things can progress to court. We advise you to get in touch now - early intervention will significantly influence your chance of a positive outcome.
Call us on 03300 536786
Nobody wants to be facing these kinds of charges, but if it happens, you need an experienced team by your side. At Tyler Hoffman, we offer:
Under the Criminal Law Act 1977, the agreement to carry out a specific crime is a criminal conspiracy. To prove the offence, the prosecution must show that the defendant intended to be part of the agreement with one or more individuals to commit an unlawful act and knew of the elements of the intended offence. These offences can take on many forms, including conspiracy to:
Of course, it is rare that an agreement to commit a criminal conspiracy offence is written down, so the prosecution will usually need to use circumstantial or other evidence to show that an agreement can be inferred. It can be difficult for the prosecution to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, especially in complex cases involving many individuals over a long period of time, where the nature and substance of agreements may be unclear. To prove a conspiracy, the prosecution must be able to show:
However, you cannot rely on the prosecution not being able to present a strong case. If you have been charged, the authorities will already have gathered what they believe is enough evidence together to prosecute you. As such, it is important you access legal support now, to make sure your version of events can be heard and supported with strong evidence in court.
There are several authorities that may become involved in investigating conspiracy offences, including:
These authorities may even work together on complex cases. Often, an invitation to attend an interview and give evidence will usually be your first indication that these authorities are investigating you.
Our approach is pragmatic, with a focus on creating a strategy that gives you the best possible outcome. Throughout the process, the Tyler Hoffman team will scrutinise every scrap of evidence for inconsistencies and weaknesses. We will collect the evidence needed to support your defence, and look at every action the police took against you to identify any technical details that may not have been handled properly. You can rest assured we will vigorously assert your rights and present a strong argument in your defence during any court action.
If you are facing conspiracy accusations or charges, call Tyler Hoffman Solicitors on 03300 536786 immediately - our line is open 24/7. Alternatively, fill out the contact form on this page to arrange a call at a time that’s convenient for you.