CALL US 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK 03300 536 786
If you are an European Economic Area (EEA) national who has been living and working in the UK continuously for five years, you may apply for permanent residence in the UK.
A permanent residence card will confirm this status and you can later apply for British citizenship, should you wish to do so in the future.
Call us on 03300 536786
Come in for a FREE consultation and allow us to alleviate any concerns you may have.
If you think that you may have entitlement to permanent residence in the UK and you would like to apply for a permanent residence card under the EU PR form; or if you have any questions in relation to your immigration status as a European national, please feel free to contact our immigration team on 03300 536 786. We are here to do all the hard work for you so you can have some peace of mind during these stressful times.
If you are arrested and taken to a police station, this can be a very frightening and overwhelming experience, if you are unaware of the procedures and protocols.
The decisions you make at the police station can be crucial and detrimental to your future. It is imperative that you request for Tyler Hoffman Solicitors at the first available opportunity so we can further protect your position from the point of initiation.